Philadelphia Phillies Don Money & Art Mahaffey Autograph Signing 2/$25 Tickets



Philadelphia Phillies Alumni Art Mahaffey & Don Money are making a return visit to CCC on Saturday, August 17th from noon-2PM!

Art Mahaffey is a 3x All Star and set a Phillies team record on April 23, 1961 when he struck out 17 Chicago Cubs. Don Money is a 4x All Star. We’re excited to welcome both of these Phils Greats back to our store!

Autographs are $15 each or 2/$25. Inscriptions are $10 each.

Ticket Details: an inscription ticket is having the player write something other than signing their name, you must purchase an autograph ticket to also purchase an inscription ticket. Inscription tickets are valid for 4 words or less per ticket. Items to have signed are not included with the price of the autograph ticket. You cannot add an inscription to an already signed Money or Mahaffey item.

We are accepting mail order and drop off items now! When mailing an item in or dropping something off, please label everything clearly and either include payment when you mail in/drop off, or purchase ticket(s) through our website and note in the comment section what item(s) you will be sending in or when you’ll be dropping off. Payment must be included for return shipping.

Please contact our store directly with any questions at 610-789-4996.