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Good Morning, Happy New Years Eve

🥳🥂 Grab that morning coffee and let’s get ready to ring in the new year. 🎙🎙 I can’t thank the crew of This Fan’s View enough as the final show of 2020 brought us all together throughout the year. We are truly on our way to bigger things in 2021. Once again, thank you to all of you that follow us and have fun with us, and our sponsors who joined along with us. Cheers to 2021. 🏀🏒🏈⚾️ Sports definitely looked a whole lot different in 2020, but we survived and we will get through this together. ❤️💙 StayStrong, StayPositive, StaySafe and Please BeKind…. Let’s get after it in 2021 !!! #thisfansview